Monday, November 22, 2010

Fridays, Fridays, Fridays, I hate Fridays!!!

Friday November 5th they told us Craig had cancer. Friday November 12th they told us the cancer had spread to the liver and bones. Friday November 19th Dr. Weis at the Huntsman told us that the average person with what Craig has lives 2 years. NO MORE FRIDAYS!!!

The pain inside hurts so bad that it is hard to even see straight. I actually have to tell myself to keep breathing.  This is something that no parent should have to tell their children, especially at this age.

Remember we look for a bright side….Dr. Ed Nelson was able to put in the port-a-cath with no problems, which we were very grateful for.  We also received a wonderful phone call from some friends, that after having 3 beautiful daughters, they are expecting a boy. The only down side to that, is he will be a Utah Ute Fan (unless our continued influence has any impact).

 The Doctors at Huntsman are amazing.  All of the technology is there to help people from all over the world. You just never want to be seeing it for yourself.

 Dr. Weis agreed with Dr. Breyer in American Fork, on the type of treatment.  Craig told him that if they told us that there was more that they could do for us at Huntsman we would come there.  They reassured us that right now there is not anymore that they can do than what American Fork Doctors can do so we are moving forward with chemo, close to home, very soon hopefully.

We all believe in miracles and we hope we are in the right line for some now. Miracles are all around us every day.  We are grateful for so many things, our children, our parents, the wonderful neighborhood that we live in.  Not too long ago I received a email from someone that talked about being grateful.  There were many things that we don’t even think about.  Laundry…because then we know that we have clothes to wear.  Gaining weight…because then we know that we have plenty of food to eat.  Car insurance…because then we know we have a car to drive, and the list goes on.  We never think about the simplest things to be grateful for until they’re gone. 

We are all so blessed in so many ways, and now we are pleading with Heavenly Father for a few more blessings and miracles.  We just hope and pray that we will are worthy of them. 


  1. Thanks Marsha. I am feeling very grateful today. Cancer is ugly. It robbed us of Drue's sweet mom, who I loved like she was my own mom. I still miss her every day. It is also beatable, even when the odds are against you. I am very thankful for the miracle of another of my "moms", my dear aunt, who DID beat it, despite the odds. I am also very grateful for your family, and the examples your kids have been to my kids. Each of your beautiful daughters are fantastic examples to the teen girls of our ward. And yesterday, as I received the Sacrament from your son, I was grateful for his worthiness and willingness to serve me. And thanks Marsha, for being such a great example of strength. My prayers are with all of you, but especially with you, because I know it is you that is holding everything together. Shauna

  2. We love and pray for you! On another note, you wonder how valiant one has to be to choose to come to a University of Utah fan family? That must be one strong spirit ;)

  3. Fridays are not good news days for you - specially ones like this coming one already called BLACK FRIDAY. Prayers are going to double up here for you all. Love you. Goodman's

  4. Marsha, you are amazing. I can't even fathom how hard this must be for you. If there's anything I can do, anything at all, don't hesitate to ask.
    Keep up that great attitude.
    I admire your strong spirit.
    My Love and Prayers,

  5. Ya know, they say bad news comes in threes. I think you guys have met your quota, and now it is time for some good news. We love you and pray for all of you every day. We are here for you - all the way!

    I found this quote from President Monson and wanted to share it with you.
    "Miracles are everywhere to be found when priesthood callings are magnified. When faith replaces doubt, when selfless service eliminates selfish striving, the power of God brings to pass His purposes. Whom God calls, God qualifies."

    I believe and know that miracles happen everyday and I pray that as you go through your treatments you will find the everyday miralces.

  7. You know, the phrase that jumped out at me was "the AVERAGE person" - clearly, Craig is so far above average that the rest of the sentence doesn't even apply to him!

    We're praying for you guys like crazy.

  8. Craig and Marsha- I can't stand it, the moment I found out I want to be like why you guys of all people it just doesn't seem fair. But some how some way there is something for all of us to learn. Please know how much I love you and that you are definalty in my prayers and your names in the temple. Please if there is anything I can do please let me know. Maybe BYU can win this weekend and put a smile on your face. :) Love you guys so much!!
    Keri Collier AKA WAtts :)

  9. Fortunately, Marsha and Craig, your "continued influence" has great "impact" on our family and we will be eternally grateful for that! But, and may I say just as fortunately, this wonderful, encouraging, motivating, positive "impact" that you have on us will have no bearing on the collegiate allegiance that our son Jayden will possess. I alone will impact that decision (for it truly is a DECISION and we all must use our Agency to Choose the Red, er, right), mostly through righteous upbringing, but not without a healthy dose of indoctrination. The Lord, in observing this most valiant of spirits, who will be arriving to our Red Family in April, surely pondered what manner of earthly TRIAL would befit such a noble and great son. The Lord, understanding my continual prayers and having a perfect knowledge of my suffering, has apparently decided to let my son undergo the same trial as my son's father (that's me): living as a True Ute in the valley of BYU blue. What a blessing this has been in my life and the life of my family, for only after intense suffering comes the great and amazing blessing of compassion (and pity) for loved ones (friends and neighbors) lost on forbidden paths. I stand alone as a Red Beacon of Hope amidst an unyielding tide of Blue. As father and son we will soon stand together, unwavering, strong, relentless.

  10. Thank you for the update! I know it's probably hard to open up and share details with ALL of us, but we really appreciate it. We, and our girls especially, are praying for you, and we are so happy that we followed a prompting and were able to lift your spirits with that phone call! In fact, if we ever forget to pray for you or our baby, little Camilla (only 2!) says "baby, bwo pewwy!!!!" until we bless the baby and Brother Perry. The funny thing is that one time someone messed up and said, "Please bless Brother Carry and his Pancer" (swapping the P with the C). I found this one especially funny when you think about your particular type of cancer as a "pants-er!"

  11. You are in our prayers and we are praying for a miracle. I think the world of Craig and I have faith that if it is God's will, he will make it somehow.

  12. We don't always know what's around the next corner, but your family has chosen to face this challenge with courage, faith, and a sense of humor. I thought you might enjoy a funny story about someone not knowing what was down the road a bit. A young man from Provo was headed north on State Street and was traveling extremely fast. As he reached Orem, a policeman, who was sitting at the top of the hill, pulled him over. The policeman approached the driver and said, "I've been waiting for you all day." The young man said, "Well, I got here as quick as I could!" With a smile on his face, the policeman decided not to give him a ticket.
    Keep looking on the bright side!!!

    We Love You!

  13. Craig and Marsha,

    You "BUTT"-er believe we are praying for you and hope all comes out well in the end!

    We love your WONDERFUL family. Keep the faith. We admire you and your strength.

