Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Snowmobiling to Chemo in 24 hours

Yesterday was Craig’s 7th chemo.  Dr. Breyer said that after #8 we will do another body scan and see how things are going.  His weight has seemed to level out somewhat around 160 to 162.  The nurse said yesterday that he looked skinner, but on scales it’s looking the same.  He really does look like a skinny little fart.  Laying on his back in the bed you can hardly see a ripple under the covers, just a shinny white head. 

The chemo yesterday went pretty normal.  About 30 minutes into it he got very nauseated again, so they give him a dose of medicine to help it and then he was fast asleep.  About 30 minutes later he woke up, again very sick and they give him another dose, and then back to wonderland he went.  He was sleeping very hard and started snoring very loud.  Everyone in the room just smiled and was glad that the sick person is getting some very good rest.  In any different environment people would start laughing or be offended that he was so loud, NOT at the chemo lab, they are just jealous.  I have to give a shout out to the amazing nurses at American Fork Cancer Clinic.  Every one of them has been so great.  You walk in and they are all smiling and so happy to see you.  They can be consoling when needed, joke around with you as needed, attentive to your every need, and even cry with you when needed.  As we walked in yesterday we were still at the end of a long hallway and Becky was waving and saying, “Hello Craig and Marsha.”  They make you feel like family. You know that you are going in there to help you get better, but you also know how sick it is going to make you feel.  It is such a nice relief to be greeted so warmly. Yesterday they told Craig that they needed a urine sample, they said even a couple of drops would be enough, if he could.  After sitting receiving all kinds of fluids he said that the little Dixie cup they gave him wouldn’t be near big enough for the sample.

When I got him home, he took some of his pain pills and went to bed.  That was at 2:30 and he didn’t get up until 7:30 in the evening.  I say, “Go ahead and sleep off all the sickness.”  When he came out of the bedroom he still was not feeling well but at least 5 hours had gone by, 5 hours that he was able to sleep and not be awake being miserable. 

He just walked out of the bedroom this morning, February 23 8:30 am, and saw that I am writing the blog, and said, “ oh no I better be careful of what I say, it might end up on the blog.”  When I hear him on the phone or the things that we talk about while I am writing, sometimes I include them in what I am writing.  It makes him nervous, Hahahah, I love it.  It’s not quite as bad as when you have a toddler around the house repeating everything that you say.  I, myself, know that one from experience all too well.

On Monday, Corinne, her friend Ryan Born, John Cowley, and myself, went up to Strawberry, and went snowmobiling.  OHH MY! What a great day.  At least 2 feet of fresh powder, and that was right out of the parking lot.  Ryan had never been snowmobiling before and I was very nervous because of all the new snow.  For those of you that haven’t been snowmobiling, powder is very different, and hard to ride in.  Before we even left the truck I gave him the “Craig Perry 101snowmobiling talk” - all of the ins and outs of the snowmobile and riding.  Once out riding I could see that I was a very good teacher, (of course it might have been that he is very coordinated ), but I do think that I did a good job teaching.  Lots of deep snow, good climbing, breaking through a few cornice’s, racing across fields, and weaving our way through trees to the top of the ridge.  The best rest and relaxation I could have received, though my legs are pretty sore today, it was relaxing for the mind.  McKaye, Ashlyn, and Dallin, stayed home with Craig.  I noticed that there was some vacuuming, sweeping and rugs shook, probably some other things done too, when I got home.  Thank you kids, I love you!  I was telling Craig how great of a day it was and feeling a little guilty that he wasn’t there with me.  He was just happy that we had a good day with no problems.  He said that it made him happy to see how happy I was.  I said that he could make me happy anytime he wanted by making me go snowmobiling.  The only thing that would have made it better would have been if he were there with us. 

 There is such peacefulness when you are in the mountains, with everything covered in snow, even the smallest of thin branches with snow crystals on them.  It is amazing to see all of Heavenly Fathers creations that he has made for us to enjoy.  I love all of the seasons, but winter, when its looks like it did on Monday, is my favorite.   No one should ever go through life without experiencing Utah’s mountains in the winter time.  That is something that our family has done a lot of together, enjoying the mountains. Whether it is in the winter, spring, summer, or fall, snowmobiling, 4-wheeling, hiking, and camping, we enjoy our time together with family and friends in our beautiful mountains.

John Cowley, Corinne Perry, and Ryan Born

Corinne Perry, Ryan Born, and Marsha Perry

Corinne Perry and Ryan Born

Marsha Perry, Ryan Born, Corinne Perry, and John Cowley

Corinne Perry

Corinne Perry and Ryan Born

Ryan Born

Ryan Born and Corinne Perry

Marsha Perry


  1. SOOO glad you had an awesome day.
    Also -
    you know you have true luuuv when that special person, no matter their condition, is made happy because of YOUR happiness. I just LOVE you guys.

  2. Snowmobiling looks SO fun and BEAUTIFUL!

  3. Glad you guys had a good time, looks fun! And cold :)
