Wednesday, January 12, 2011

"Back on the Chemo Again"

Craig and I took off for the Chemo lab on Tuesday, January 4th, not knowing if we would be getting a treatment or not.  It was a NOT! The Doctor suggested that we give his body a few more days to rebuild.  She said that he really had no reserved, when he gets sick he could end up in the hospital again.  So we start Monday Jan. 10th again.

Dr. Breyer told us that we that the chemo is not doing what she hoped it would do, which is stop the growth or even that its in the opposite direction.  So we will most likely be finishing the last treatment and then starting a different one the next time.  Die Cancer, DIE!

This has been a good week for Craig and the whole family.  He has been able to eat pretty well and feeling pretty good, we all needed this week.  I feel bad that Corinne was not able to see Craig feel a little better.  It’s hard when all you see your Dad doing is sitting in a recliner, in bed, or in the hospital.  “Corinne, he looks good this week and even went to Dallin’s basketball game yesterday”.  I was very nervous that it would totally wear him out.  I was able to park very close and it wasn’t a long walk to get in, it was good to have him there. 

Corinne has been applying for jobs on Weber States campus.  Tuesday she had an interview and it went well.  They called her back Thursday and she got the job.  She will be working in the student services office.  She is still currently working for Avalon Care Center in Bountiful but just on call and that doesn’t work very well being a student.

With everything that has been going on I forgot to mention that we had a special visit from the jolly old man himself and his lovely wife, yes Mr. and Mrs. Claus.  It was before Christmas and the kids were up at their Grandparents.  They came in and had a short visit with Craig and I.  They said we don’t know you and you don’t know us but that’s not important.  The important thing is that we are here to wish you a Merry Christmas and we hope you get well soon.  They left us a fruit basket and a gift that I put under the tree to be opened on Christmas morning.  To those of you that were involved in that, thank you very much. Another blessing of “Giving and Receiving”.   

Tuesday January 11, 2011
I didn’t get to finish and post the blog so now I will update through today.  Craig did have chemo yesterday.  We finished up the first series of chemo, which were 4 treatments.  The Doctor is waiting to see how he does with it and also compare the PET scan to the scans that he had in the hospital recently to see if we will continue with the same treatment or move on to the next one.  I hope we find out soon.  He did get very nauseated very quickly during the treatment yesterday.  Usually I can get him home and have him eat something before it really kicks in.  The nausea pills seem to really be helping this time.  This morning he was able to eat a scrabbled egg, and he only rolled his eyes a few times at me.  Ginger ale soda seems to be going down pretty good this time.  It seems to be different every few days on what he can drink and eat. 

We were able to talk to a lady yesterday that we have seen quiet often at the chemo lab.  She is going through throat cancer and is on a feeding tube.  Craig took his hat off to show her that he was beginning to look a lot like her, their heads match more now.  She seemed a little embarrassed about hers.  Craig told her, “you looked great, it’s ok”. She mentioned it yesterday before we left and said that it really made her feel good, and that’s how we need to feel about things.

I was at the hospital cafeteria and a lady sat down next to me.  She asked me if I had someone in the hospital or having surgery.  I then told her that Craig was in the chemo lab getting a treatment for cancer.  She felt very sad and voiced her concern for our situation.  She said that we were too young to be going through such a hard thing.  I agreed, but then pointed out that we have seen very young people and very old people receiving treatment and it’s not fair for anyone. Yesterday there was a young lady in getting her first treatment of chemo and then was on her way to get radiation.  They said that the Doctors were going to do everything they could to save her ovaries; she and her husband do not have any children yet.  When someone walks in the chemo lab for the first time you can see it in their eyes.  “The Deer in the Headlights Look”.  The fear of the unknown, denial, disbelieve, and shock.  It seems like an eternity ago for us in some ways but in others ways it seems like yesterday.  I so remember the first time walking into the lab, and looking around and wanting to run.  Everyone in the room is trying to put a smile on their face and be positive, for themselves, their loved ones and everyone else in the room.  We all put on the, “It’s going to be ok”, look for each other, and especially the brand new ones.  It’s a place where everyone knows what each other is feeling like.  We visit with each other and in a very short time are the good friends.  I remember on our first treatment, I thought that we should be in a room by ourselves, and not just out in the open for everyone to see and stare at.  I found out within minutes that that room is wonderful and full of people that are all basically in the same boat.  We are there for each other.  Just like when we were leaving after our first treatment and an older lady smiled at me and said, “Just do exactly what the Doctors tell you to do, and you will be fine.” I was scared to death and I knew that she knew it.  Now I try to do the same for others when it’s there first time.  Reassure them that I understand what they feel like and that it will be ok.  Just knowing that there is someone that understands what you are going through and that you are not alone. 

None of us are ever alone.  We all have either family or friends that love us, and if we are lucky we have both.  We also have a loving Heavenly Father that loves us and will never leave us alone.  We have felt a tremendous strength from all of you, from your thoughts and prayers.  We really don’t know what we would do if we were all alone.  Bill Gay, the CEO of the company that Craig works for, and his wife Rose came to see us on Sunday afternoon. She mentioned that she doesn’t know how people get through this kind of situation without the gospel and the knowledge that we have of it. We had a wonderful visit with them and our children.  He said that they are anxious to have him back at work with them but that working from home is really ok and that he knows Craig will be back soon.  He is a wonderful man, and has a wonderful wife.  

January 12, 2011
Holy Cow, now it is Wednesday and I promise that I will get this finished and posted today.  Craig got his pump off today and received two more liters of fluid.  We are going to stay on top of it this time.  He is feeling pretty good.  The days off have really helped him a lot.  The Doctor said that bones show that the cancer is progressing but the liver looks a little better, like the tumors are showing signs of shrinking.  A bright light in the week. The next chemo will be January 25th.  Craig was rubbing his head today on the way to the doctors.  He said, “I think my hair is growing”.  I just laughed to myself and let him have his little positive moment.  Now I WILL hit the post button, I promise! 

Wait, Haha sorry, one last thought! McKaye and Ashlyn were having a little fun with Ashlyn's new necklace and took some fun pictures of themselves and Craig!! We hope you enjoy them as much as we did!!

This is the size of the necklace! They are so creative!


  1. I didn't know your family was related to "Jimminy Cricket". What look-a-likes. We're glad Craig is tolerating this round of chemo better....just hope the chemo will work better on the cancer. Hate to see him so miserable. Keep looking for the silver linings! Your family is terrific. Iva and Evan

  2. Craig does look like Matt....fortunately for Craig...we all know his hair will grow back eventually!

  3. I love those pictures you posted at the end! They are GREAT!

  4. Awesome pictures! You guys crack me up!!
